The "Bach Original Flower Remedies" were developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a Harley
Street Physician, Bacteriologist, Homeopath and
Researcher in London, England. He believed that attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness. When we feel fulfilled, happy and positive, we tend to enjoy better health. We get more out of life, and we can give more to our friends and family. Recent research into the links between emotions and the immune
system supports the view that emotional and physical health are linked. More and more
medical experts now agree that a healthy mind really does ensure a healthy body.
The Bach Original Flower Remedies are a wonderful natural way of managing your
emotions, being yourself: relaxed, fulfilled and natural. Bach Original Flower Remedies can help you take control of the way you feel and get more out of life.
Comes in 20 ml. Bottle - $16.79